Donate Now
Donations of any amount are sincerely appreciated. Your donation makes it possible for our Society to continue bringing top notch productions of Gilbert & Sullivan's works to audiences in Victoria and Sidney.

Please click the link below to make a secure online donation:

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If you prefer to send your donation by mail, please make cheque payable to the
Victoria Gilbert & Sullivan Society
and mail to:

Victoria Gilbert & Sullivan Society
PO Box 42057
2200 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8R 6T4

Thank you!

Donor Benefits
We value our donors and want to show our appreciation by offering you something special.
Producerover $500Acknowledgment in program, invitation to a rehearsal and to final dress rehearsal, two free tickets
Director$250-$499Acknowlegment in program, invitation to a rehearsal and final dress rehearsal
Choreographer$150-$249Acknowledgment in program, invitation to a rehearsal
Stagemanagerup to $149Acknowledgement in program

Show Times
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    for our next Performance

    To be announced.

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